Online product configurator/customizer examples?

My masters project research was centered around customization and rapid manufacturing. At the time, I found that most of them are really clunky and are just shuffling images to show different colors/textures on static objects. Here’s a few examples that I collected during that time (2013-2014):|11841764826|70082480466|&s_kwcid=AL!2519!3!147679850290!b!!g!!build%20new%20%2Bf150&ef_id=USzSgwAAAJ3CN2oj:20170111020825:s#/select/

I’m not a developer, but I got pretty deep into WebGL & Javascript when I did my project so that I could make my own customizer. There is so much you can do with 3D content using WebGL, it seems pretty underutilized. But, I guess it just adds another level of complexity that retail sites don’t need.

This was my take on a customizer:

And here is the accompanying project page: