The designers personality...

This comment hit home with me; why can’t you? Why is this obvious?

No intent to be braggadocios here, but I can do those things and have learned them out of necessity. They have served me well to articulate the value and impact of design on terms that people who do do those things can relate to. I’ve found ways to harvest useful data from our work in ways that people who provide non-design services or “business people” would struggle to do. But maybe because I’m not as good at selling design on design’s terms…So I use research and data to support my concept pitches.

Correct me if I’m wrong, and no offense, but do you say this is obvious because you’re a designer and it’s a given that you don’t have those skills, thus supporting a stereotype?

The reason that this hit home with me is because non-designers have told me that using these skills is very unusual for designers, thus they have an impression, but is it only up to sales and marketing folks to be the “business people”? Where is that written?