Microsoft Surface Studio

I like it. Looks nice and has a few nifty things that aren’t currently available with anyone else. However, it seems pretty expensive (even compared to Apple) and uses old mobile graphics cards. Considering the mobile versions of Nvidia GPU’s are nearly equivalent in performance to full size PC cards I think this would have been awesome opportunity to give a really good solution for gamers.

Copy of the specs from Gizmodo

Intel Core i5
8GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 965M with 2GB of RAM
Price: $US2999 ($3924)

Intel Core i7
16GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 965M with 2GB of RAM
Price: $US3499 ($4578)

Intel Core i7
32GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce 980M with 4GB of RAM
Price: $US4199 ($5494)