SpeedX Leopard AL

Don’t. Just don’t.

The video and website is a how-to compilation of making scientificky looking charts and graphs that convey zero information. For instance their comparison for ‘light weight’ is versus a 35.3 lbs ‘normal’ bike. Their bike is 17 lbs, and somehow they calculate that as “a quarter”. Um no its half.

Toray 1000 CF/weave is in wide usage across many domestic applications. Nobody believes the ‘military grade’ bs anymore. The only people with access to anything more bad-ass will be engineers in the big bike companies who through connections and brand prestige (Specialized+McLaren) might be using something different. Layering, fiber orientation, yadda yadda there’s no difference here.

The ‘frog’ designer in an abandoned building drawing bikes, yeah, that’s how these things happen for sure. Shameless.

I could go on and on but I’m afraid the form entry would time out. If you have any comments/questions let us all know.