No headphone jack on the iPhone 7... really?

I get people who are “pro” no headphone jack saying “Get with the times, we don’t need no wires!”

The reality though is the 3.5mm jack has not been hindering the development of compelling smartphones (unlike things like say the pesky USB A connector or Ethernet cable).

I get the advantage that the lightning connector can bring (built in noise cancellation, etc) but if Samsung can make a small, lightweight waterproof phone WITH a 3.5mm jack, the Apple move is dongle-sales bullshit.

I am already annoyed by the fact that my $250 headphones have an external battery which dangles around in my pocket and makes it even bulkier to carry. Now add a dongle to that (especially a dongle with a COMPLETELY rigid connector that has no opportunity to move or twist and you’re asking for it.

As a guy who built mobile devices, 3.5mm jacks were one of the #1 failure points, and they are typically VERY forgiving when it comes to having the wire twist or get pulled on (like any time you snag your headphones and then rip the phone out of your hand).

I can almost guarantee there will be a site dedicated to people who now have snapped Thunderbolt connectors jammed in their port.

It’s a scumbag move for dongle money, and there is no reason they couldn’t start shipping Thunderbolt or Bluetooth headphones AND keep the 3.5mm jack.