How To Get That Edge Over Your Classroom Competitors

Interesting discussion.

First off, in relation to the video. I’m not sure I like the angle as it seems click-baity and simplistic.

I think an interesting angle would be how to get the most out of your education. Don’t get me wrong, some friendly competition is certainly healthy. Getting kick in the pants to surpass yourself is great though collegiality is certainly something to start learning in school. Competition should only be a motivation to push you forward, don’t allow it to stop you from sharing and creating relationships with your peers.

What really is your goal in school? You’re dedicating 4 years to learn and probably putting yourself into debt doing so. You need to decide where you want to be when you’re finished and take the steps that will take you there. School isn’t Weight Watchers, success isn’t guarantied if you follow the outline. The curriculum and the teachers are there to share the knowledge and guide you along the way. It’s up to you to put the effort and decide where you want to put the effort.

Going back to the 20 sketch example. If you feel you need to improve your sketching abilities, what’s wrong with spending an extra day on it and end up with 30 sketches and coasting in some other class you already have some experience in? On the flip side, if you’re a strong sketcher and feel you need to concentrate your effort on a research assignment, go right ahead.

That was my biggest take away from University. The curriculum is a plan to get you to pass the classes and get the diploma. The diploma alone probably won’t get you going in the direction you want.