How To Get That Edge Over Your Classroom Competitors

The tone of the video really rubs me the wrong way. The first bit about designers being passionate, creative, etc - the design discipline hardly has a monopoly on those characteristics, and it’s offputting when you hear inexperienced student designers expound that BS and believe it. Design is about collaborating with lots of creative people in lots of disciplines - recognizing their creativity and ability to contribute - and working together as a team to solve ill-defined problems. There’s no room for divas, and that view - that designers are unique, special snowflakes - encourages insufferable diva behavior. While there is a small bit of useful and obvious advice in the video (yes, you should know how to present your work in a way that highlights the useful parts of the solution), it feels like the approach it promotes prioritizes style over substance, which is not helpful.

If you have a rock star designer throwing up 5 extra awesome sketches every class. And you usually do three 3 extra. Well in order to outperform yourself you only need to do 4. Well guess what you just got beat.

A competitive atmosphere pushes you further than you though was possible. Sure you may be up to 3am getting it done, but in the end you got it done.

If the assignment is 20 sketches, and you produce excellent work and also get sleep…I think the guy that did less, did well, and slept won. File under: time management/expectation management.