Ready.... Critique my Portfolio.


As someone who just completed my bachelors of Industrial Design, I understand your struggle of finding employment as well as perfecting a body of work into a portfolio. It is not an easy task and definitely requires hours of pouring over content, creating new content, and perfecting layout but that work is imperative to creating a body of work that shows a potential employer what you’re capable of and how you work.

You clearly are very talented as I can see in your work but I want to know why you did the things you did. What was the inspiration behind the paper lamp. Was it a flatpack project? Was it a sustainable design project? Also for your design projects I agree with posters above that it is best to show your work for each project start to finish. Brief/research/ideation/modeling/materials/designing/refining/final model. That is what employers want to see because it shows them your thought process through an entire project which is ultimately what they will be hiring you for. Think of each project as a story. Often times this requires going back and creating drawings/sketches/models/renderings only for the use of your portfolio.

Another tip would to be to create a “personal” tab or use your about me section for your art as it is not the focus of the job you’re trying to secure. I wouldn’t take it off by any means because it is a very valuable skill to show that you are multi faceted.

Keep up the good work. Something will fall into place soon.