Ready.... Critique my Portfolio.

I’m also a recent graduate so I think what I have to say could be potentially helpful for you.

Entry level employees are always going to be learning on the job, it’s expected. College prepares you in a different way than a company molding recent grads, and most companies are aware of this and have accepted it. That being said through your cover letter/ CV or resume/ and portfolio you really have to be able to articulate and show a willingness to learn. Your portfolio NEEDS to be as professional as that of a person who’s been in the industry for 20 years. When I say professional, I’m not saying you should be better or have better work than someone who’s been in the profession for 20 years, but your execution needs to be of that caliber. Your portfolio is a literally extension of who you are as a person and a designer. If it is unorganized, photo’s aren’t cleaned up or just has way too much clutter, your potential interviewer is going to assume these things about you.

I personally have re done my resume and website about 6 or 7 times within the year I’ve been out of school (and my website still isn’t where it should be at). That being said your website needs to be narrowed down to the field your looking to get a job in to. An industrial design company most likely doesn’t care about your photography and visa versa. What has worked for me is narrowed down my work to 4-6 of my best works, showing my process/ work flow from ideation to final product/ rendering. Keep your website clean, easy to navigate and have it relate to your style. Other than that keep applying and be persistent!