Should we be learning the Chinese Language?

I jump again in the discussion.
Of course more and more Chinese are/will be speaking Chinese and of course as they want to attract business they will be suing English.
However, that may be more relevant to the marketing, sales and perhaps manager teams. However, from my experience living and working in Taiwan and (less) China, there many times I have/want to discuss issues with the lower ranked engineer or tool operator that will in the end study / manufacture the product and MOST if not ALL of them DO NOT speak English. So, in this case speaking even some Chinese is good.
Also, and even more importantly, when you speak the language of your partner (cause they ARE partners) you create a “sentimental” bond and the Asian partner will feel more associated and respected by the “white” designer. And even if nobody will say that DOES play a huge role in interpersonal relations that none has mentioned here.
Family member has a factory here and tell me stories of “arrogant white” clients…