June 1-HDC: Furniture for Freelancers

Nothing can kill a creative buzz more than realizing you’ve been sitting motionless in front of your monitor for 6 hours. I have timers on my phone to remind me to get up, walk a lap, and drink some water.

My Move Workstation concept is for the development of a small workstation that (very slowly) keeps your body moving and keeps that blood circulating. The thought is if the motion is slow enough it will not disturb your train of thought or ability to work. Meanwhile, you’re twisting side-to-side and standing up and sitting down several times during your work session. Range of motion, number of cycles, etc. could be customize-able and/or random. I’m sure there are additional movements that may also work.

I like the idea of viewable mechanical mechanisms (rather than electronic) to make more of a visual connection of how it works to the User. A small (preferably) solar-powered motor would turn the gears creating the motion for the movement.

There would be no resistance and its not intended to be a work out but increased blood flow and movement of major muscle groups can only be an improvement over sitting hunched on the front of my chair for hours on end.

Could also work for non-freelancers!

steve hassler