June 1-HDC: Furniture for Freelancers

Stand up | On the go

The freelancer on the go is always going to co-work or work on the go. This concept is designed to tackle three problems our freelancer might encounter.

  1. Even coffee shop entrepreneurs deserve a stand-up desk
  2. Co-working space is constantly full, it is time to think about co-working space infill
  3. To the mobile, outlets are king. It would be nice to work at them without taking a seat on the floor

You walk into a co-working space and it’s full, you have no time to go anywhere else. With your desk on your back you are able to set your stand-up desk anywhere you please or turn around, go to the park, and set your desk up under a tree. Tired of standing up, park it out the couch, adjust the legs to your lap or an adjacent table and you have an extended desk just for you.