Would appreciate some feedback!

Hi Casmir,

Thanks for sharing your work.
Ive had a quick look though your website and generally I am pretty impressed with it.
I think you have showcased a well thought out and diverse range of products and shown different techniques which is great for a potential employer to see.

I think the stand out project on the website is the Tupperwear project, it shows the complete cycle of the design process, from the initial idea, further development and final product.
I was tempted to say you could add more text to allow the viewer to read through the stages of the project, but I actually quite like the minimalist layout and explaining the process though images - I’m sure you could then expand on this in an interview situation.

I was about to say show some more sketching work, and then I opened your portfolio - I would 100% add those sketches into the projects on the website, I initially thought that you had left them out on purpose because that might not be a strong skill of yours, but your sketches are great so get those in :slight_smile:

I would also like to ask why the content varies quite a lot between the website and portfolio? There are a few projects that are common to both, but I think the two mediums have a very different feel to them.
I’m not saying this is wrong, I am just intrigued.

I have to agree with James, I didn’t get the ELLIPSIS page either - to be honest, the lack of images put me off (I am lazy and a visual based person :stuck_out_tongue: ).
Maybe expand on this project, or perhaps add in the Suvan Decsk project instead?

Overall, a very good body of work and well laid out - good job :slight_smile: