Am I an entitled little twit?

So I got the call. They made an offer. It’s slightly less than I was making at my previous gig. The irony is I got the call the day my first “big” freelance check got dropped in the mail. I told them I need 24-48hrs to think about it. They’re desperate. I can smell it. They’re swamped and one of their designers is going on paternity (maybe maternity, but she said paternity) leave. I know deep down I have some leverage, but when it comes down to it, actually using it confidently is one of my weaknesses as a designer.

But freelance is seeming dicier just since I don’t know how regular my current freelance is really going to be. Not that one ever can. And if they don’t go for it, then it’s that much less I’d be pulling in as an indie.

I know I’d be fairly unhappy there long term. I can do graphic design, but I’m not that great at it and I find it a little tedious and boring. I suspect the actual ID work that I would get to do will be managed to death and pretty frustrating. But I also know I’d be able to pay mortgage and feed my family, though, I wouldn’t be able to afford to fix my car or house. Not that that has ever been the case. It’s just one of those decisions that nobody but me can make. Do I chose stability over sanity basically.

So I’m thinking about pitching coming on to “help out”, as we say in the South, during crunch time/paternity leave and then transition into a more intermittent contract ID role. I think there are a lot of advantages to that plan which I guess I need to list and memorize so I sound intelligent when I present it. Easier said than done.