UPDATE: Tear My Portfolio Apart, Please!

Ooo…a CIA portfolio. I expect to see good stuff. Dan’s a great teacher :wink:

Page 6: Not sure about this page. Its small and very cluttered
-If this is a teaser portfolio, keep it to the basic points
-Present the in-depth portfolio as a separate book (case study) in interviews

Page 8:
-Rethink some of the cropping of the background images. I don’t like how the background image lines up with the text bubble (being nit-picky)
-I do agree with your clear statement and showcasing whats on the market

Page 9:
-Overall, nice clean sketches.
-If you are using the sketches as a background, reduce the opacity so the text bubble becomes the focal point.

Page 10:
-Cluttered page, what are you communicating? Nice line work though

Overall, with sketch pages, I would like to see your thoughts. I would like to see your initial thinking and how you came to a final conclusion. Tell a story! Did you develop 6 ideas and then reduced them to one? Why did you choose the final solution?

Page 11
I think this can be two pages. Theres too much information on this one page.

I like the magnetic slip cover. You explained its function nicely. Could you give more explanation on the other features of your design? You mention it uses induction heating, but how else does your design help the visually impaired? Do the controls feature a special texture? Are the pots more ergonomic? I would like to hear a better explanation.

Fisher Price:
Page 19: nice moleskine sketch page. I’m drawn to the page featuring different dinosaur heads
Page 20: I would like to see more organization and explanation behind the concepts. Concept 1, concept 2, etc.
Page 21: Refinement?

It looks like a fun toy. I like the model. I may include a drop shadow under the colored sketches.

Page 26-27: Looks cluttered and hard to read
Page 28-33: Interesting final solution. It looks modular and easy to assemble and transport
Page 34: Clean up this page. I don’t care for the tilted box.

Page 37: Maybe divide into two pages
Page 38: Nice clear explanation of problem areas
Page 39: With this sketch page, could you guide me on your thoughts?
Page 40: Refinement
Page 41: I would prefer rendered sketches against a grey background vs gradiated
Page 46-47: Nice rendering
Page 48: Watch those hands! One trick I’ve used is to hold a mockup in a similar angle as the rendering and either photoshop those hands, or trace over

Nice personal work and internship work.

Final points:

You should try to tell a clear story when you lay out a design project. I would like to see a story starting out with a problem, your thought process and final solution. I don’t really see that with some of the sketch pages that have that wallpaper look.

Try to avoid cluttered pages and find the balance between being descriptive, but not overwhelm people with information. You should keep in mind that most people who review portfolios are browsing through them rather quickly.

Overall, you have some interesting work. It may need a bit of polish, but theres a lot of potential. Keep at it and good luck!