UPDATE: Tear My Portfolio Apart, Please!

Nice portfolio Caitlyn.

I have a few remarks.

  • Your title page is important as it’s a cue to be remembered by. Your first design was graphically stronger and I liked how you tagged yourself with your professional areas.
  • Your designer profile can be more specific and graspable. We want to get to know you. “underrepresented, overlooked markets” - terms you could also use are niche markets or extreme users.
  • I like how you took a more active step of infusing yourself with your research. Before you did a lot of research which is great, but I am missing the exact reasons from a designer POV as to why you did it this way and how it centered around a vision for the project.
  • I wonder about your materials research. Silicon is not all that suited, nor is it often desired by consumers, in the kitchen.
  • What I am missing and what will add to your research- i.e. intellect-orientedness is a proof-of-concept with a user test at the end of your projects.