Need review of my portfolio!

TO be honest i see a definite lack of refinement within your cad models. Your surface creation and transitional areas lack finesse and your radi (apple thrives on these) don’t even utilize curvature continuous surfaces (which can be done in SW although more cumbersome).

Your final designs also show somewhat lack of form thus the reason it translates into the CAD.

My suggestion - depending on what you want to do… be a designer at apple or be a Surface designer- I would highly suggest that you explore and build your skill set in form exploration and creation while understanding how to create curvature continuous class A surfaces (or beautiful sculptures)

There are many ways to do this. I refined mine by dragging bondo for 3 hours almost every morning with old school stylists. i then transferred how they created their forms into sculpting with in Alias - which i then eventually transferred those abilities into SW.

Long and short find someone amazing to learn from and it will help catapult your skill sets.
