Is it realistic to skip the BA?

Turns out you don’t have to have a bachelors in ID to make strategy powerpoint presentations :slight_smile:

If you want to really design stuff, you need the basic foundation. Otherwise you just can’t be effective. Maybe if you want to work for me for free… or pay me to work for me, I’ll consider that option too. Typically having even a bachelors is the bare minimum for a person to start their real education of being a practicing designer who ships product.

Think of it a different way, do you want to get a surgery done at a hospital who all different kinds of people in the operating room, philosophers, economists, designers… or do you want the hospital to hire the best surgeons? How about your lawyer? Do you want a designer on your accountant team when they are doing your taxes or just the best accountants money can buy?

Projects are cross disciplinary, you want lots of input and cross pollination, but the disciplines should be rigorous for that cross pollination to work. Maybe if I had a big bloated budget I could afford a few people that maybe contribute in a tertiary way, maybe not, but I wouldn’t call them designers.