Finding your niche.

I am a total left fielder myself and have been jumping from areas of design to other areas my whole career. And I believe that that actually has been a USP and gotten me into jobs where targeted portfolios struggled.
But what was important is that I had a certain POV that I could apply to whatever segment of design I was trying to get into.
An overarching interest and passion that while possibly crafted in one area, was easily transferable and relevant in another area.

I suspect the OP has a hard time defining what makes him an interesting candidate. He doesn’t seem to have quite figured out what his POV is as he hasn’t found his passion quite yet.

The “niche” might not be the right choice of word here as it suggests boxing yourself in and at the same time excluding yourself from other fields of design.
What the OP might need more is a strong personal position and voice. But that is difficult to develop if you are having trouble defining that as nothing really grab the attention during the education.