Improving my sketching

I think your sketching reads well. It’s lacking pop and excitement but they are very clean and legible.

Right now the watches do look flat, but maybe that’s what you’re going for. You can probably do one watch concept per page and explore the hinges, knob, clasps, materials etc. Rather than have 8 different watches on one page, chose one concept and really work it out per page. Detail sketches and slight variations on the bezel shapes, etc.

The earbuds are just that…earbuds. Nice form exploration but no direction or detailing. Can’t really give more feedback.

The electric whisk also looks flat, no shading. The shapes look bloby and the handles too thick. Not a lot of form exploration, they all look blocky. Pay more attention to details; vents, buttons, cord, handle grip, etc.

Seems like you’re exploring without direction. Have you done any mood boards? What stylistic direction are you trying to achieve? Organic, monolithic, geometric, minimal, aggressive, inviting, etc. Chose one of the 3 projects and work through it paying attention to all the details. Maybe if you have some inspirational images we can give you more feedback. Why don’t you do some mood boards for the Electric Whisk and then some sketches that relate to those specific stylistic directions. I think that will give you more inspiration and direction.