Aaron Powers Portfolio Thread

Ok here’s a few updated slides with some more information.

This week I presented to a panel of 5 industrial designers for the chance to represent AAU at the IDSA conference. I’m pretty happy that I was chosen to compete against two other fifth year students. However, I’m really at a loss right now about what I’m doing and where I’m going.

On the music project the feedback I was given was that they felt I hadn’t designed anything. I was told that the project is very surface level and broad and that I should focus on one very specific part and not try to solve everything. One suggestion was to eliminate all of the products and just focus on the pad, and make it the entire solution, and dive into exactly how it works and functions, the UI, etc. This was really difficult criticism to take.

The Amazon project is not doing me any favors either, I think I’m going to take it out entirely from my portfolio.

The marching band shoe reception was OK, but I need to work a little bit more on the story and explanation and come up with a more unique design solution.

I feel like I’m really far away from having a good portfolio at this point, and after this review I’m a bit concerned if I have any good projects right now, and if I’ll be able to be at a competitive level when I finish school in 1.5 years.

Would love to hear the boards thoughts, criticism, and advice!

Thanks for your time,

Marching Band: