Resources For Consultancy Fees?

Just read his article posted on

“How Much Should You Charge For Design Work?”

It’s written from the perspective of a graphic designer / illustrator, but thought it was interesting, particularly the discussion of “rights-management” for her clients’ use of her work. In the wold or product design, we don’t have the luxury of placing such limitations on our work.

On a somewhat related note, it is part of my contract that the rights and ownership of the IP I create for my clients is transferred in exchange for payment of my fees. But I have never “withheld” such rights until I received final payment from the client since my terms are generally 30 days and the client typically has a tighter production deadline.

Have any of you held back on that final deliverable until receiving your final payment (or the check cleared)? What happened when that final payment never came? Did you hold the final database for “hostage” until receiving payment, or use the client’s acceptance of the final database as acknowledgement that the project was complete and payment was due?

Fortunately I’ve never run into that situation and hopefully never will (knock on wood).
