Furniture Inspired Footwear - ON GOING PROJECT

Yes, love their stuff. Thanks for reminding me of them.

I agree Richard and fully plan on trying to do a full footwear project from scratch. I just want to get started back up again and start making things again. I didn’t want to go all out right from the start.

On going all out from a standstill. I had this experience when I started training for soccer again. I was trying to run 3-5 miles, like I did back in the day when I played everyday. But I had a hard time finding that much free time and energy to do it daily. At that time I didn’t see the worth in running only 1 mile, whats the point. So If I couldn’t block out time for at least 3 miles that day. I would rather not run. I could easily have done a quick mile, but refused cause it wasn’t worth it. Tried that for awhile and didn’t make too much progress. I eventually lowered my goal. 1 mile run a day. (15 minutes, from getting dressed to finishing.) And guess what. My mileage increased greatly. Because it became habit to just run everyday even if it was a tiny bit.

Defining customer/market opportunity, designing the shoe itself, doing the design/marketing story, sourcing a last, outsole cad and prototype, full on pattern making, sew and lasting the shoe, etc. That’s my half-marathon and end goal. Hopefully I can get up to that as soon as possible.

This right here is my 1 mile a day project. Not a great excuse, but just my current strategy.