Google Self-Driving Car

My girlfriend and I have had the autonomous car several times over a year into the course of our shared hour + drive commute, so when the news popped up the other day we began discussing it again. One of the tensions that is always highlighted (as is here) is how manual cars and automated cars will interact. Are they on the same roads and highway systems? She is sure that at first there would be people that would get some joy out of veering toward automated cars in traffic simply to see them avoid the crash in different ways :wink:

Thinking about it I can’t help but think of Minority Report, where you have the commuter MagLev car that docks to your highrise living room,

This is more along the Mike and Maaike approach, and this is what I dream of for our commute.

and then other cars that seem more along the regular manual drivers

the photos definitely reminded me of the Toyota Pod concept from a few years back.

Also reminded of Alberto Villareal’s Fumu concept

from when he was at Umea