Why did you choose your school?

Back in 2002 I chose the Eindhoven University of Technology because:

  1. Close to my parentals home, saved me lots of money in the end, but did inhibit me from a good integration into the social community in Eindhoven. In the end I would not recommend that to most people. I also did my masters there even though now I’d also recommend always doing your masters somewhere else, even in another country and another culture.
  2. The newness and uncertainty actually attracted me. It seemed rather boring to me to design products in an established manner, while these times are very exciting and things are majorly shifting. It felt less institutional than other schools.
  3. A future oriented approach to projects with lots of room for free and blue sky thinking. I felt like I needed that for a few years before starting to design in a more structured and well-defined manner. In the end I think it greatly helped me and the program appeared to offer a lot of variety in projects, also some more defined ones.
  4. Nice open spaces to work in, for the first year students. Some other spaces were quite awful though. The entire faculty is moving to a new building in September this year.