I don’t know if I understood all correctly but the above point seems to be more globally about socialism vs. capitalism. Here in the Netherlands it’s more of a social system where people with lower income have much more access to higher education, so more of a social mix is stimulated rather than keeping all rich people together with the rich people and ditto for the poor ones. This social system where everyone is taken care of does make everyone a little ‘soft’ - people lack a healthy natural sense of competitiveness, drive, and creativity. Just my 2 cents being from the Netherlands and having lived in the US as well.

About love, it’s kind of a delusion. Doing what you love is such a momentary snapshot. You can love one thing but then it confronts you a bit too much and the love dissipates. Instead, the mantra should be ‘love what you do’. Or better, simply love everything. Even the evil and demonic forces. When you find an inner acceptance of how things already are you will find that there can be a great opening of heart and inflow of love for everything that’s already there. And when that’s there, change may still happen. But people in general seem to be afraid that when they accept everything, nothing will change anymore. But instead, life’s energy becomes higher and change takes place more often because there is less attachment. When one sees that, one will become more open to working with the fear inside and seeing that as the only obstacle to love. When you use the mantra ‘Do what you love’ you have to take a moment to think about what that would be, which is away from what you are already doing, probably. In that going away from this moment you already find yourself in a delusion because you’re picturing something in your head which is never how it’s actually going to be. So no need to imagine so much :slight_smile: The doer that we all carry with us is not even that interesting, our worldly tasks are just a small part of our being. I think that for most people, if the physical needs are taken care of, they are completely fine already, they just think they aren’t.

What would I do with money? I don’t know, it would be nice if I had a direct interface between my brain as it’s dreaming up all kinds of creations at night, and that I had a specialized team of minions who would the next day gather all these ideas and make it happen for me. Maybe just a huge virtual 3d printer where I can create things using my brainwaves and my entire body, perhaps, and an unlimited supply of raw materials and interactive components. And then I can simulate how it works, say ‘bake it’ and it’s there. More realistically though, I’m fine. I would probably just use the money to invest in new innovations. And do artistic work for fun.