Am I an entitled little twit?

I liked the original post. If it had elements that were traceable back to the original company then good to take those out, but the post was, for me a good one.

The basics were that you were put into an almost impossible crunch of expectations, new technologies, inflexible management that perhaps did not understand the parameters involved in moving from point D to point X.

I have shared those kinds of experiences, they really help me to grow. You are trying to push your own boundaries and asking at the same time if you are just whining.

I have always felt it is better to go out in a fireball and learn something than to bail out early and acknowledge that a task is impossible. Fortunately in my experience the fireball never happened, things came together and the projects happened. Of course the there is no upside, no one will recognize that you pulled a rabbit out of a hat, they will just expect that they were right all along. Which means as we all know, your days or weeks or months before your next move are numbered.

Good luck.