BlackBerry's new Creative Director is...

I can understand 3DS wanting to hitch their wagon to “…a pop culture influencer…” and to “…leverage’s international creative industry network…” but do these things actually work?

On one hand, Mr says he’s put his money where his mouth is:’s 13 lessons on how to be creative in business

but this is the result: unveils horribly overpriced punctuation-laden iPhone camera accessories

uuummm…More power to him, but to me this whole setup continues the myth that any sort of creative process is about the sole genius with an ‘idea’ and not the hard work and process and the many people involved. He can swan into a meeting and spout a few buzzwords and name drop and somehow that is designing a product that ends up on the store shelves.

I want to say he comes across as a hyperactive over-privileged teenager, who thinks his opinion matters, and someone needs to have a quiet word to him to pull his head in - sort of a cross between Verruca Salt, David Brent and Mugato, but that would be very unfair of me, so I wont.