About surveys in user research

I went back to my bookmarks. The Designing with People site was a seed site I used cursorily (http://designingwithpeople.rca.ac.uk/methods/interview), whilst the dSchool stuff helped with the structure of the project and methods (http://dschool.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/METHODCARDS2010v6.pdf). Most of my other reading material is textbooks.

It would probably be fair to say the interviews I did were semi-unstructured, rather than completely unstructured. I had questions and types of questions prepared that I wanted to ask, but I didn’t set them out in order because of the conversational style I wanted to attempt (it didn’t work as well as I wanted it to).

I’m working on an empathy map today, to draw together what I found and generate the insights from that, which I hope will drive some specific problems to go at.