NEW "R-Folio" - The Directive Collective portfolio website

You are showing great work, Richard but you already new that of course :wink:

My first impression of the site though is that it is way to busy for my liking.
Lots of different fonts sizes and kernings, logos, images… for me just too much information and impressions of the home screen, which cheapens the experience a bit. The menus do not seem grounded at all and appear to be floating a little here and a little there.

For example your logo but especially the wordmark appear too big, especially once you go deeper into the projects. I am already on your site, I don’t really need to be reminded of it on every page.
Personally, I’d stick with ether the DC logo or the wordmark, not both as it seems a bit redundant.

On a positive note, I enjoy that it is easy to browse your work and that organizing it by clients makes it easy to cherry pick whatever might be the most interesting for the viewer.