GE Artistry Series

Ooh we’re doing this now? Happy to play :smiley:

Baby boomers are all pot smoking, acid dropping, hippies with no sense of reality. Why the hell would you distort your guitars? Listen to real music dammit!

Addressing what seems to be the point here:
Historical admiration and nostalgia are different (see the lmgtfy), I would argue that nostalgia is much more visceral, and therefore more likely to sell products.
For example, Lmo posted a combustion engine RC helicopter over in transportation, I thought it was incredibly cool. This was largely based on my interest in engineering and the fact that I can see how that technology is a clear predecessor of what’s out today. Plus, tiny combustion engines are awesome! However, this type of appreciation takes a background that won’t apply to most of the population.

iab, I’m assuming because of your rich admiration of the past, and your vast amount of reading and internet research that you would love a Victorian era styled kitchen. In fact, you should be nostalgic for it, or else you’re a mindless sheeple.