BMW 4 Series.... BMW is back!

It would be nice if at least one of the German luxury makers went a bit bolder, cleaner, and geometric. Now, even Audi’s getting caught up in the swoop/crease count contests. Sure, people rolling bodies couldn’t do the stuff we’re seeing today. Doesn’t mean we should. If anything, restraint will be even more valued and saught after by minimalist consumers that have few options.

This car is pretty good relative to other recent BMW swoopy stuff.

If products should appear simpler on the exterior as they get smarter on the interior (a goal I agree with), why is the opposite happening in trans design, compared to product design (overall)?

I’d like to see BMW evolve some of their classic elements beyond pure organicness. Lots of these comtemporary detail motifs could be done in a really cool way that is a bit more technical, ordered, and simple. Do my side view mirror really need 4 highlight creases?