Volunteer/Intern with ID in NY tri state area?

Old thread, but I do have a point, and it’s going to be a bit harsh, so my apologies in advance. What’s in it for me? That is what any potential employer thinks. Pretty simple fact. As an intern or volunteer your services have a negative value. Yes, you will contribute, but not nearly as much as I will with my time in managing you. Sure. Sounds like an ego trip. But realistically, my 20+ years of experience trump your 0 years by a great deal. An intern is an investment by the employer hoping the payoff comes sometime down the line.

I am convinced you did, but then your reasoning goes off in the wrong direction by writing,

Incorrect. Why is it do you think you had valuable feedback? I’ll give you a hint, you already wrote it.

There. That is your lead. That is your WIFM (what’s in it for me). You have special insight into the customer. Your observations as a pediatric occupational therapist are exactly what gave you the ability to give valuable feedback and advice.

And now you think you want to toss all of that knowledge to become a sketch monkey? It literally hurts my brain that you came to that conclusion. If I were you, I would stick with your advanced degree and use it on the front end of the product development process - discovering the needs of the customer. That is far more valuable that some stooge who pukes out ideas onto a piece of bond paper. It is your insight that shapes the ideas on those pieces of paper. You decide the value. Speaking for myself, I would never voluntarily give up that power.