Tokyo tips

Don’t think the taxi rate is absurdly high, but the distances between different places in Tokyo can be vast. If you taking a taxi, beware that they may not be able to read English letters, or even a map. If you can find a Japanese address to the place you’re going to it’s much easier. We prepared by pre-opening a wiki-site for the place with the hotel wifi, and zooming in on the Japanese name to show the driver :slight_smile: However this was in Kyoto, things might be different in Tokyo.

Subway is actually very good. You can get a PASMO card which is a prepayed card that works on all subway and commuter trains. You can get it in a machine at the station (English available). I prepayed 5000 yen that was enough for 2 weeks. And if you have a lot left when you leave you can return it and have most of the cash back. There were quite a few subway map apps, don’t remember the best one. Just try them all :slight_smile:
The Tokyo Tripadvisor app is pretty good as well.

Ghibli museum I think you have to book in advance, we didn’t go.