Has anyone used YehID for career consulting?

To answer the topic question - yes I have used YehID but only briefly. I almost paid for a consultation but luckily this was when their founder was away on maternity leave and I had a brief phone conversation with one of her staff.

It was insightful and she offered some great advice on how to stand out in the job application process but nothing specific aimed towards a career path. I was going through an identity crisis as well with what I had been taught and showcasing in my work not lining up with the jobs I wanted and employers expectations. Taking feedback given from potential employers, asking for advice from people in senior positions and aligning that with my career goals I was able to highlight areas I need to improve upon without paying $300 an hour.

Reading your post I really empathise with you as it seems you know where you want to be but your university is stating otherwise. At this point though I would recommend exhausting all other options before paying for a consultation. There are plenty of people that if you ask nicely enough will spend time talking to you, especially given your maturity and you won’t just be some kid fresh out of school like I am!

I really wish I could help further but I am in no means qualified to give you advice and would just be the blind leading the blind.