Product Designer, California, Palo Alto, Entry Level Salary?

Firstly, good luck. I was in the same situation last summer but unfortunately there was a company wide no hiring policy, due to the economy and people being made redundant left right and centre.

On the salary side of things. here is what I am seeing in the UK at the moment (im a recent grad still looking for work):

Entry / junior industrial design jobs are being advertised at £18,000 - £22,000 ($27,549 - $33,671)

Middle Weight jobs are around £22,000 - £30,000 ($33,671 - $45,915)

Senior roles £30 + ($45,915)

Obviously these are ball park figures from job adverts that would be able to be negotiated higher at interviews etc but i think it gives a rough idea of the situation.

I would think there will be more factors than just the currency rate to take into account like health insurance for you guys and location (most of these adverts are for london) but taking Sain’s lowest estimate of 40k, that is (£)26k. That is a massive different. am I missing something here? or do i need to move to america? :slight_smile:
