Product Designer, California, Palo Alto, Entry Level Salary?

Just a word of caution: the idea of “salaries are proportional to local cost of living” is sort of a myth, or is at least not as black and white as it seems. Most mid-level designers I know in NYC are making $40-55k.

I would be very prepared to be offered something in the $30k’s, and these days, I’d take it if I were you.

Keep in mind you are at the most junior of levels. No offense, but you have zero leverage. To be honest, with jobs so fragile, I’m not sure I’d attempt a counter-offer.

If you’re feeling brave, at least try to have a concrete reason for your counter-offer. As in, “I have to live no more than X miles away from the office, and rent in this area tends to be $X.XX” but don’t be pushy.