Portfolio Crit.

Hey K.

+1 on "Overall you’ve got some good projects, and with some tweaks and presentation improvements you’ve got a solid portfolio on your hands. "

Nice job at doing a lot of research behind your projects, and looking back at what Skoshbox said, I would definitely organize it in a way that cleanly guides the story, make it bigger, or re-do it in Illustrator (preferably). The same could be said for your sketch pages, the drawings are small and close to the same size, try increasing the size of the more important ones which will help draw the eye around the page better. 54 pages is a lot, see what you can do to condense the material, I agree with taking out the photos. Organizationally, I would definitely move that EDIT: travel pack project about the coat rack project as that shows your skills and process a lot better. If I am counting right, there are 5 projects in there plus some miscellaneous stuff, I would really concentrate on getting 3 really outstanding projects done showing your process and maybe have another set of good sketch samples you do as well. Also, Try to differentiate between your projects either with different color schemes, I found I kept passing final result of the nike project and went right into the next one without knowing it, or give each project a unique cover image that really marks the beginning.

Another thing is; don’t let your page dimensions dictate how you show your work. Yea it may look cool and different, but if they can’t read your work, whats the point? Personally, I have a similar format for my resume and sketch samples but my portfolio I went back to a more traditional size 11 x 14 or 11 x 17 as it allows me to more efficiently show my process not to mention it will help to condense a project down. Personally my limit on pages per project is 4-6 depending on the complexity but that is just my personal limit.

Best of luck.