Portfolio Crit.

Hi, I also just gave it a quick glance through, a couple things:

On the first page your contact info is rasterized and blurry. Try and export the vector text directly as a pdf or increasing the quality of the pdf when you save it.

In the Nike Swimming project the white text on the red background is quite difficult for me to read.
If you are going to include the research such as a mind map maybe do one up nicely in illustrator as well as the sketches and make it fill most of the page and let it help you tell the story. Right now I see the mind maps but they provide no new insights to your story or how deep you did your research.

I would also like to see a nice ‘hero’ (Context) shot of your final product development. Maybe simplify the last page in the Nike project down to 2 or 3 images- a nice rendering showing the screen on, a big photo of a swimmer wearing it with a nice photoshop job to make it look like it’s actually real (Your current context shot could use some improvements) so this big photo could form the main visual, supported by a nice clean render of the device with the screen on and maybe just have call-outs to tell us the features of it.
Maybe try lay it out as clean as your coat rack project- that one is really nicely done, tells the story in a concise manner without too much visual clutter. Nice job on that one!

Also you seem to have a pretty good understanding of perspective in your sketching, so that’s great to see.

And you might, depending on what this portfolio is for, want to take out those pages of photographs. You can display them on your website or elsewhere if you feel they show a valuable skill, but I would keep your portfolio as concise to Industrial Design relevant work as you can if that’s what the intent of this is.

Overall you’ve got some good projects, and with some tweaks and presentation improvements you’ve got a solid portfolio on your hands.
Keep up the good work!