"Style does not fit" rejection

Seurban, the pdf has lost a lot of resolution/color so I understand where you are coming from about the lack of awe. I am looking around for a nice PDF uploading type of site like ISSUU, but with better consistency (if possible). So, if you have any suggestions that would be great, otherwise I am still working on building a personal website.

Also, I meant for the linked pages to just help get an idea of my skill range since my current portfolio is undergoing changes and I can see how it would be confusing out of context, so I apologize for that. As for the last two pages, I would really like to show some other interests that are somewhat design related since I do have an interest in ceramics/pottery as well.

Would you or anyone else here suggest that I make a separate work portfolio of miscellaneous projects or is that considered a waste of time? I would like to show that I have some creativity beyond the realm of industrial/product design, but if you think they are a waste then I guess I will take that into consideration.