"Style does not fit" rejection

Thank you guys for the responses. I will try to take what was written here to heart and develop my range. I realize that I often look through a “teams/members” section of a website to see if they show employee profiles to better understand what skill level they look for, but every so often they do not list names. Does anyone here think it is odd or unreasonable to ask for a portfolio of someone accepted to a particular company of interest? Otherwise it makes sense to simply increase the breadth of my portfolio/or have multiple. In the end I think it was simply discouragement that made me feel like I have to basically scrap everything and begin again. Hopefully I can return here with better news and better outlook that I can share as well. Thanks again

Edit: Oh, and here is a link to samples of my work to get a better idea. I am still developing many aspects of my portfolio like many other designers and hope to continue to improve myself.


(first 6 pages are meant to be seen as spreads)