Design Entrepreneurship Thesis : In Progress

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it, just logged into my survey monkey as was really great to see so many responses already!

Yeah, I was holding off of too in depth of a discussion before I collected some results but essentially I will be starting a business, as a case study that will hopefully validate my initial hypothesis about designers starting their own thing (or fantastically failing which is totally possible as well!)

I will not only be documenting in as rich of detail possible my process, to share with other designers what worked and didn’t, but also extensively interviewing other successful designers doing what I’m trying to do to share their stories, and knowledge.

It sounds really broad right now, but hopefully as I post more it will start to come together more cohesively.

Thanks, I’ve been doing a lot of sewing and upholstering lately, hopefully will have more in that series in the next week or so.