Sketch-Fu: Men's Footwear


I didn’t mean to come off as harsh, and don’t think I particularly normally do so. Maybe I can blame the abbreviated post on the iPhone I banged it out on, perhaps too quickly.

Rather than bashing the concept or exploration, I was just looking for a little clarification and pointing out the difference between what I consider purposeful design and throwing randome shapes and colors on a wall to see what happens. That might have some value as inspiration, but I guess I wouldn’t call it design.


Thanks for the clarification on your intended purpose. I have no problem with fashion specific design, and of course not all footwear is technical or performance. I’ve done fashion and lifestyle footwear as well, BTW. I suppose to come across 1 happy accident that serves as inspiration in 700 auto generated variations is worth something “for free”, but then again, value is also judged by the quality of the result and the effort building the system that generates that result.

As said, an interesting experiment in generative programming I guess, maybe I’m just missing the point.