Steampunk just died


Never liked it aesthetically. Now I have ammo to shoot it down when a client asks me about it.

Oh, I dunno, it’s been around since 1927 (Metropolis) in one for or another, and there’s a lot of artistic creativity displayed in SteamPunk; unique, highly crafted one of a kind stuff that a lot of people appreciate. The real stuff isn’t “industrial design-able” (being made from re-purposed found articles) and I think the people (both young and old) who are attracted to the genre will recognize that this new, manufactured SP isn’t … SP. The Time piece falls into that category, IMO. The off-shore market, on the other hand, will eat it up as fast as they can crank it out.

Interesting, and telling, that IBM now seems to think they can cash in on it. They had their chance when Brazil debuted in 1985.