1HDC 12.12 - Redesign Santa's Sleigh [Submission Forum]

It’s almost December 21st and the History Channel, w/ all of their doomsday and alien programing, has got me thinking what if…

Time is money and with the down economy and last year’s elf strike, overhead has sky rocketed. This has forced Santa to take on a greater role in the workshop. Santa has decided to invest a lot of money into a more effective present delivery system. He has decided to replace his eight reindeer with eight 3ft. dwaroids (#6 is pictured). These mechanical elves increase efficiency by completing deliveries at the speed of eight Santas. Now Santa can focus more on next year’s marketing campaign. In a recent interview in the Holiday Gazzzette Santa was quoted saying, “2013 is the year we have adults believing in our cause again!” Let’s just hope his new “helpers” obey their programing and don’t become self aware…