Retainer / Part Time ID

Being a consultant is selfish.

So what?

Very few, nearly none for that fact, are magical. We are not hired because we have some special talent. We are hired because our clients do not want to invest in recreating our capablities when they only need them a few times a year. Of course there are exceptions to this, but it is much cheaper for them to budget a couple of projects instead of budgeting for permanent personnel and their overhead.

So I am certainly not beholding to my client for anything other than the 2-6 week project. Or part time work if that is our agreement. And if that 1 project covers my nut for the year what exactly obligates me to do anything else for that client? For the reamaining 46 weeks of the year, I can be ensconced in velvet and eating a block of cheese as large as a battery.

Are you telling me I can’t?