Industrial Des. along with Mechanical Eng.

Hah! Alright :stuck_out_tongue:

In the order I would read them in:

Statics: Vector Mechanics for Engineers (Statics) - Beer, Johnston & Eisenberg
Calculus: Calculus Concepts & Contexts - Stewart
Dynamics: Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) - Hibbeler
Materials: Materials Science and Engineering (an Introduction) - Callister & Rethwisch
Summation and application: Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design - Budynas & Nisbett

I’m sure there are some better ones out there, as I’m only pulling from the pool of course textbooks, but these were the best ones that I’ve used so far.

This will pretty much take you up to the end of the 3rd year of an ME program. For just the basics, I would recommend just reading statics and materials, however to cover most force situations you’ll also need dynamics, which you need calculus for, and to be able to calculate beyond ballpark ranges, you’ll need to understand failure modes, etc. covered in the final book.