What would my job title be if I designed...?

Thanks for the good information guys. Definitely helpful!

NURB - I’ve been looking at the retail services that specialized offers, but I didn’t even think to check QBP. I’ll definitely give it a look.

LMO - very interesting! I’ll have to drop him a line! The work on his website is definitely more of what I think of as just retail design, but it is certainly a piece of the puzzle. Good point on the convenience store design. I’ll check that out.

As a generalist, it breaks my heart to try and stick myself into only one role. I think that initially, I saw design as an overarching practice that provides the tools and methods for designing anything… and I still think so… Unfortunately, I don’t think that really translates to the job market. One of these days I’ll figure out where I fit! (lets hope it’s not too far away)