Does IDSA make conference videos available online?

Yeah, we’ve talked about putting the videos up on YouTube a couple of times like TED does, but we always go back to the same thing which is what you kind of hit on earlier, " I’m not a member, and I don’t see much value in being one. I heard several casual discussions by attendees about why it wasn’t worth being a member.. We want to make your $375 has a value to it, besides giving you great networking oppurtunities, (which by the way you don’t get form watching a TED talk online).

One of the ideas we have had in the past, is put the videos up on the site behind a log in so only members would be able to view them. Obviously we’d want to leave a couple out in the front of the log in for Designers who aren’t members and want to see what IDSA has to offer them, and for people who want to know more just about Industrial Design. But now you start getting a value for your membership.

“My personal opinion is that the questionable website design and slowness / lack of media are prime factors in the failure to make the organization valuabe.” You won’t hear any arguement from me on this, or from alot of other IDSA people, but I don’t really want to turn this in to a bash the IDSA website. Trust me every complaint people have about the site, the board knows of and are putting plans in place to fix the site. But it takes time (I know that excuse is starting to wear thin), but it really does.