The thread for silly Alias questions...

Curves are made sure that the 2nd CV is aligned to the 1st. I’ve repeatedly snapped them and they seem fine.

Still, no go.

So, I remember that if the 2nd CV is normal to the mirroring plane, I only need tangency to get curvature across the surfaces.

Still no go.

As a last ditch attempt, I duplicate the curves off the failed surface, set up support surfaces and create a new square.

Again, no go.

Anyway, this was an exercise and not really needed for my final model. I’m going back to modelling 1/2 of it instead. Still weird, though.

EDIT: Going really overkill and making sure the 2nd and 3rd CVs were aligned in both corner curves, then duplicating these to form the other corner and building a square with implied tangency(!) from those did produce a proper curvature aligned mirrored surface… but man, why couldn’t it just work from the start? :stuck_out_tongue: